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DEC 20Annual Emergency Department Holiday Party at The Hacienda, Santa Ana, CA


JUN EMRAP End-of- the-Year Banquet
APR Tonya Santiago Presents on The Role of a Nurse Practitioner
MAR Dr. Shahrdad Lotfipour Presents on Creating Effective Clinical Poster Presentations
MAR EMRAPers Present Practice Excellence in Research Presentations
FEB Dr. Craig Anderson Presents on Basic Statistics
FEB EMRAP Academic Curriculum Presentations
FEB EMRAP Participates in Escape Room Social
JAN Dr. Mark Langdorf Presents on How to Write a Manuscript
JAN EMRAP Hosts White Elephant Social
JAN Dr. Maxwell Jen Presents on How to Make Effective Slides


DEC EMRAP Attends ED Holiday Party
NOV WestJem presents on Internship
NOV Dave and Busters Fall Quarter Social
NOV Dr. Lahham hosts Ultrasound Workshop
NOV EMRAP hosts annual Turkey Bowl 2016
NOV Dr. Peterson presents on Applying to Medical School
NOV Dr. Shahrdad Lotfipour presents on how to write a UROP Budget
OCT Dr. Shahrdad Lotfipour Presents on Writing a UROP Budget Proposal
SEP Linda Murphy Presents on Writing Literature Reviews
SEP EMRAPers host Bonfire Social Event for New Academic Year
SEP Rick Jones Presents on ProAct Study
SEP Dr. Eric McCoy Presents on Clinical Epidemiology
AUG EMRAPers Participate in Suturing Workshop
AUG Christy Carrol Presents on CASI vs IP Study
JUL Dr. Jeffrey Suchard Presents on IRB Protocol
JUL EMRAP Alumni, Helena Do, Presents on Osteopathic Medical School Experience
JUL Jimmy Presents on Vietnam Medical Mission
JUN EMRAP Alumnus Present on Allopathic Medical School Experiences
JUN Dr. Megan Osborn Presents on CV Writing
JUN Dr. Shahram Lotfipour Presents on Applying to Medical School
JAN EMRAP Alumnus and MS4 Colby Vongchaichinsri presents on Medical School experiences
JAN EMRAP hosts annual Holiday Gift Exchange
JAN EMRAP CASI in-person intervention training
JAN Dr. Fox presents on Medical Career Pathways
JAN Dr. Langdorf presents on Manuscript Writing
JAN Jimmy To presents on EMRAP’s Fall Study Numbers
MAR Dr. Christopher McCoy Presents on Clinical Epidemiology
APR EMRAP CASI In-Person Intervention Training
APR Dr. Shahrdad Lotfipour Presents on Creating Effective Clinical Poster Presentations
APR Dr. Wirachin Hoonpongsimanont Presents on Interview Etiquette and Critiques
MAY EMRAP End-of-the-Year Banquet


JUN EMRAP has weekly meetings on Tuesday at 6 PM at UC Irvine
AUG EMRAP CASI in-person intervention training
AUG EMRAP hosts practice suturing workshop
OCT Dr. Katzer presents on the Affordable Care Act during an EMRAP weekly meeting
OCT Dr. Chakravarthy presents on Designing Clinical Research
OCT Said Shokair presents on UROP
NOV EMRAP hosts annual Turkey Bowl 2015
NOV EMRAP Alumni and MS1s Chris Gilani, Michael Louthan, and Nadia Zuabi present on the Medical School Application Process
NOV EMRAP CASI v. IP and Trauma CASI Recap Presentation
DEC Dr. Gutierrez, Dr. Lahham, and Dr. Fox host an ultrasound workshop