Date | Description |
JUN | EMRAP End-of- the-Year Banquet |
APR | Tonya Santiago Presents on The Role of a Nurse Practitioner |
MAR | Dr. Shahrdad Lotfipour Presents on Creating Effective Clinical Poster Presentations |
MAR | EMRAPers Present Practice Excellence in Research Presentations |
FEB | Dr. Craig Anderson Presents on Basic Statistics |
FEB | EMRAP Academic Curriculum Presentations |
FEB | EMRAP Participates in Escape Room Social |
JAN | Dr. Mark Langdorf Presents on How to Write a Manuscript |
JAN | EMRAP Hosts White Elephant Social |
JAN | Dr. Maxwell Jen Presents on How to Make Effective Slides |
Date | Description |
DEC | EMRAP Attends ED Holiday Party |
NOV | WestJem presents on Internship |
NOV | Dave and Busters Fall Quarter Social |
NOV | Dr. Lahham hosts Ultrasound Workshop |
NOV | EMRAP hosts annual Turkey Bowl 2016 |
NOV | Dr. Peterson presents on Applying to Medical School |
NOV | Dr. Shahrdad Lotfipour presents on how to write a UROP Budget |
OCT | Dr. Shahrdad Lotfipour Presents on Writing a UROP Budget Proposal |
OCT | EMRAP and EMIG Mixer |
SEP | Linda Murphy Presents on Writing Literature Reviews |
SEP | EMRAPers host Bonfire Social Event for New Academic Year |
SEP | Rick Jones Presents on ProAct Study |
SEP | Dr. Eric McCoy Presents on Clinical Epidemiology |
AUG | EMRAPers Participate in Suturing Workshop |
AUG | Christy Carrol Presents on CASI vs IP Study |
JUL | Dr. Jeffrey Suchard Presents on IRB Protocol |
JUL | EMRAP Alumni, Helena Do, Presents on Osteopathic Medical School Experience |
JUL | Jimmy Presents on Vietnam Medical Mission |
JUN | EMRAP Alumnus Present on Allopathic Medical School Experiences |
JUN | Dr. Megan Osborn Presents on CV Writing |
JUN | Dr. Shahram Lotfipour Presents on Applying to Medical School |
JAN | EMRAP Alumnus and MS4 Colby Vongchaichinsri presents on Medical School experiences |
JAN | EMRAP hosts annual Holiday Gift Exchange |
JAN | EMRAP CASI in-person intervention training |
JAN | Dr. Fox presents on Medical Career Pathways |
JAN | Dr. Langdorf presents on Manuscript Writing |
JAN | Jimmy To presents on EMRAP’s Fall Study Numbers |
MAR | Dr. Christopher McCoy Presents on Clinical Epidemiology |
APR | EMRAP CASI In-Person Intervention Training |
APR | Dr. Shahrdad Lotfipour Presents on Creating Effective Clinical Poster Presentations |
APR | Dr. Wirachin Hoonpongsimanont Presents on Interview Etiquette and Critiques |
MAY | EMRAP End-of-the-Year Banquet |
Date | Description |
JUN | EMRAP has weekly meetings on Tuesday at 6 PM at UC Irvine |
AUG | EMRAP CASI in-person intervention training |
AUG | EMRAP hosts practice suturing workshop |
OCT | Dr. Katzer presents on the Affordable Care Act during an EMRAP weekly meeting |
OCT | Dr. Chakravarthy presents on Designing Clinical Research |
OCT | Said Shokair presents on UROP |
NOV | EMRAP hosts annual Turkey Bowl 2015 |
NOV | EMRAP Alumni and MS1s Chris Gilani, Michael Louthan, and Nadia Zuabi present on the Medical School Application Process |
NOV | EMRAP CASI v. IP and Trauma CASI Recap Presentation |
DEC | Dr. Gutierrez, Dr. Lahham, and Dr. Fox host an ultrasound workshop |