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Your clinical performance will include input from your assigned faculty members and house officers. They use a standardized feedback format that assesses for knowledge, skills, and attitudes. They will give written feedback on this form.


  • ED Onsite Orientation
  • Task Training [Orientation]
  • Attestation Form [Due by end of Orientation Day]
  • Hand Hygiene and Fall Prevention Videos: Must view the Hand Hygiene and Fall Prevention videos available.
  • Wednesday Resident Conference OR Resident Simulation Center: Please note that attendance and participation is required and will be reflected in your final grade. First three (3) hours are joint conference with residents; remaining two (2) hours are team-based learning/education sessions with a faculty attending. If you cannot attend the Wednesday conference, please inform the clerkship director and arrange the make-up attendance with clerkship coordinator.
  • Education Sessions/Flipped Classrooms/Medical Student SIM: Please note that attendance and participation [unless otherwise indicated] is required and will be reflected in your final grade. Attendance is recorded via completion of all videos, readings, and evaluations.
  • iTunes Summarized Pearls: Completion of assignment is required due to cancelled conference. Students are required to complete 3 topics of their choices on iTunes and submit 3 pearls for each topic to the clerkship coordinator by 5pm on the Friday of the same week as the cancelled conference.
  • Patient Case Diagnosis Logs [New Innovations]: All patient case diagnosis logging will be completed electronically in New Innovations. You need to log all 7 required cases. 100% completion of case logging, real patients or alternative method, is a requirement of the rotation. Consult with Dr. Hoonpongsimanont if you feel you may not be able to fulfill the requirements and an alternative method assignment will be given. This is required to pass the rotation.
  • Patient Procedure Logs: There is a recommended amount of procedures to complete by the end of the rotation. Students should take the initiative, whenever an opportunity presents itself, where there is a procedure to be done. These are logged on a paper form with initials. This form must be turned into the coordinator after the completion of your rotation in the ED.
  • Assigned shifts/End-of-Shift Evaluations: Satisfactory completion of shifts is required to pass the rotation and prompt attendance is required. At the end of each shift, students must request an evaluation from the attending, as this will be how students’ shifts are recorded. The attending needs to complete, sign, and date the form in Qualtrics on EPIC at the end of each shift. This is required to pass the rotation.
  • NCAT-EM Evaluations: At the end of each shift, students should also ask faculty to evaluate them using the NCAT-EM form. The attending should then place the completed evaluation in Dr. Sakaria’s mailbox.
  • End of Rotation Evaluations [New Innovations]: You will be required to submit an anonymous End of Rotation Evaluation in New Innovations. We appreciate your feedback and take them very seriously for future improvements.
  • MS Evaluation of Faculty [Intranet Evaluation System]: You will be required to submit an anonymous attending evaluation for 3 attendings that you worked with during your rotation. We appreciate your feedback and take them into consideration for future improvements to the clerkship.
  • End of Rotation Exam: Take mandatory NBME exam, typically scheduled on the last Friday of the rotation. 
  • Five-minute Presentation: Present five-minute presentation at the resident conference on the topic of Social EM. The topic will be selected on your orientation day.
  • Honors grade: To receive a grade of Honors, students must demonstrate exceptional performance and complete all required assignments (see detailed grid below). Honors grade will be given for superior performance (top 15%) based on clinical performance and education sessions' participation. Students give a 5 minute slideshow case presentation in order to be eligible for an honors grade. The slideshow case presentation will require an appropriate review of the literature and must be completed before the end of the rotation and presented to an attending. The course director is available by email or in person to help you prepare for the case presentation. All presentations must be e-mailed to the course director for credit.
    • Performance – earn exceed expectation (more than 50%) of all evaluations
    • Student must achieve “exceeds expectation” in over half the specified categories; averaged from all
  • Attire: Your white coat, student ID and stethoscope are required at all times. Shirts/ties for males and slacks or skirts for females are preferred but clean scrubs under your white coat are an option. No hoodies. No open toe shoes.
  • Rotation feedback: The course director is available and encourages every student to meet with her on Wednesdays after conference [every week] for mid-clerkship evaluation. 


Medical Students are graded in the clerkship using the following scale: Honors (H), Pass (P), Fail (F) and Incomplete (I). For further information, review the Grading Policy.

Requirements for "Pass"

  • Orientation Attendance
  • ED Onsite Orientation Attendance
  • Task Training 
  • Review of Hand Hygiene and Fall Prevention Videos
  • Resident Conference/Simulation Session Attendance 
  • MS SIM Session Attendance
  • Education Sessions/Flipped Classrooms Attendance/Medical Student SIM (including evaluations/videos/iRats) 
  • iTunes Assignment [if assigned in lieu of cancelled conference/SIM]
  • Patient Case Diagnosis Logs 
  • Procedure Log
  • Shift Attendance & Shift Evaluations 
  • NCAT Evaluations 
  • Dispatch Center Experience
  • Medical Student Documentation Feedback Form 
  • End of Rotation Evaluations
  • MS Evaluation of Faculty 
  • End of Rotation Shelf Exam - NBME
  • Journal Club (Optional)
  • Honors Case Presentation (Optional)

Requirements for "Honors"

To receive a grade of Honors, students must demonstrate exceptional performance meeting all the following criteria:

Minimum total point percentage

  • 90 %

Pass/completion of the following required assignments

  • e.g, Online quizzese.g.,
  • EBM assignment

Additional requirements

  • Minimum shelf exam percentile
  • e.g., Attend at all didactic sessions (where attendance will be taken)
  • e.g., No professionalism violations

Grounds for "Incomplete"

You will not be issued a grade until all elements of the clerkship have been completed. 

Grounds for "Fail"

You will receive a grade of "Fail" if the requirements for passing the clerkship have not been met. Please refer to the Grading Policy for the impact of the "Fail" grade to the transcript.


Remediation, if needed, will be designed by the Clerkship Director to address the issues at hand. This can include repeating the rotation or shifts, creating a presentation or retaking the assigned exam.

Must include the following statement: The student’s final grade will be submitted on the standard UC Irvine elective form.  If the student fails the elective a grade of "F" will be permanently recorded on his/her transcript. The student can repeat the course for a second grade; however, the "F" will not be removed from the transcript.