Disaster Medicine Fellowship
The UC Irvine School of Medicine fellowship in disaster medical sciences consists of a one-year or two-year, post-graduate program designed to provide education and experience in disaster medicine, international emergency medicine and the management of public health emergencies. During training, the disaster medical sciences fellow will have duties and responsibilities not only with the emergency department, but also with the community. The curriculum will be based on the reference text, Koenig and Schultz’s Disaster Medicine: Comprehensive Principles and Practice. During the two-year disaster medicine program, fellows will obtain formal advanced training toward a master's degree in Public Health, Public Administration, or Business Administration, due to the growing need to understand disaster medicine in a broader public perspective. Application for approval by SAEM’s Fellowship Approval program is pending.
Responsibilities include: Direct patient care, supervision of residents, medical students, and paramedic interns, providing formal lectures to residents and faculty throughout UC Irvine Medical Center.
Training opportunities includes:
- Field amputation and fasciotomy lab using fresh frozen human cadavers
- Certification as an Orange County Base Hospital Physician (responsible for management and supervision of UC Irvine-assigned paramedic units and UC Irvine medical intensive care nurses)
- Active participation in quality improvement activities
- Active participation in the hospital’s Emergency Management (Disaster) Committee
- Active participation in administrative committees at UC Irvine Medical Center, Orange County Health Care Agency, the state of California and professional organizations including the American College of Emergency Physician’s Disaster Preparedness and Response Committee
- European Master of Disaster Medicine course development
- International disaster preparedness courses
- HAZMAT courses
- Training courses such as those located in Anniston, Alabama and the REAC/TS course
- Advanced degree program (MPH, MPA, or MBA)
- Exposure to Orange County disaster planning process
Topics taught during the fellowship include (but are not limited to):
- Incident command system
- Blast injuries
- Bioterrorism/pandemic influenza
- Mass casualty triage
- Radiological issues and threats
- Chemical weapons
- Vulnerable populations
- Community preparedness
- US health care system
- Natural disasters (such as hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, earthquakes and tornadoes)
Publications by EMS and Disaster Medicine Fellows
- Kahn CA, Schultz CH, Miller KT, Anderson CL: Does START Triage Work? An Outcomes Assessment after a Disaster. Ann Emerg Med 2009;54:424-430. DOI: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2008.12.035
- McCoy CE, Loza-Gomez A, Puckett JL, Costantini S, Penalosa, P, Anderson CL, Schultz CH: Quantifying the Risk of Spinal Injury in Motor Vehicle Collisions According to Ambulatory Status: A Prospective Analytical Study. J Emerg Med 2017;52(2):151-159. Dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jemermed.2016.09.024
- Schultz CH, Deynes S, Lee ES, Fox JC, Dolich MO: Use of the Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma Exam to Estimate Outcomes in Patients with Abdominal Injuries after Mass Casualty Events. Ann Emerg Med 2010;56:S134-S135.
- Masroor M, Schlesinger S, Nguyen T, Koenig KL Schultz CH, Miller K: Paramedics Receiving Training in Low Acuity Complaints Demonstrate Safety in Alternate Destination Disposition Recommendations. Ann Emerg Med 2016;68:S48.
- Schultz CH, Fairley R, Doss M: The Risks of Cancer from Diagnostic Medial Radiation: A Reappraisal. Ann Emerg Med 2016; 68:S72.
- Katzer RJ, Schultz CH: The Natural History of Human Stingray Injuries. Ann Emerg Med 2016;68:S129-S130. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.annemergmed.2016.08.355
Before completing the program, the disaster medical sciences fellow will have completed one academic level project that may include formal research, support of community organizations (e.g., public health department, EMS agency, healthcare agency), and program evaluation or development. These projects must be presented at national or international meetings.
With the two-year preparation and the advanced degree program, the fellow will be provided with all the tools to become a community health educator and an active expert in the emerging field of disaster medicine.
To apply, please submit the following documents electronically:
- a letter of intent
- Your CV
- 3 letters of recommendation
Carl H. Schultz, MD, FACEP Professor Emeritus of Clinical Emergency Medicine and Public Health Director, EMS and Disaster Medical Sciences Fellowship Associate EMS Medical Director, Orange County Health Care Agency
Email: schultzc@uci.edu